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Driving Lessons in Calgary: Learn How to Park Like a Pro

Getting your driving lessons is an exciting venture and life-changing experience, but it is also a big responsibility. Parking can sometimes be a challenge for even experienced drivers, as there are several parking rules. Parking requires good control of the vehicle, accurate judgment, and steering skills.


In an empty parking lot, getting your car between the lines is an easily learned skill, but parking in an angled space, in a perpendicular spot, or downtown parallel parking – are tough situations. There are many small things about parking that the people taking driving lessons, average new drivers, and even some licensed drivers find quite challenging. These are:



  • Performing multiple driving actions at the same time to place the car in the right parking slot
  • Not knowing how to maneuver the car while reversing alongside the curb
  • Lack of good clutch control, which is necessary for reversing a car with manual gear transmission

But as a driver, you must know all the basic functions of your car as well as how, when and where to utilize them without causing inconvenience to others on the road. Watch these tutorial videos to get an idea of the proper techniques:


  • Uphill Parking with a curb
  • Uphill Parking with a curb
  • Parking uphill or downhill, with or without a curb
  • Downhill parking with a curb
  • Downhill parking



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Getting Started With Parking

Here’s a basic rundown on how to park a car, no matter how small, crowded, or difficult the spot is. Practice the following small driving actions that makeup parking; later, you can use them to learn to park with precision:

  • Drive ahead at a slow walking pace.
  • Drive ahead at a slow walking pace while moving the steering quickly.
  • Try driving slowly and steering in reverse.
  • Drive at a running speed, stop smoothly, and then repeat the initial steps.
  • Repeat the above steps until they take little effort.
  • Then take more steps, and so on.

Try to give some time to parking practice during every driving lesson in Calgary. When you are comfortable with parking in one type of spot, try doing it in a different place, time, or situation. Take a learner’s practice test.



Good Parking Habits

  • Utilize your space

One thing that can irritate you as a motorist looking for a parking spot is seeing another vehicle occupy two parking spaces.

  • Avoid designated places

Most parking spots usually have a slot designated for particular people or those with a disability.

  • Obstruction

There are careless drivers out there who may park their cars in the wrong place blocking the movement of others who have parked correctly.


At Canadian Professional Driving School in Calgary, we help you learn how to park a car step-by-step, which helps you comply with road rules and stay safe. Learn more about our courses.


Are you interested in learning more about parking and other driving skills? Call us today to find out more about our driving lessons in Calgary.

Learn Driving Today

Canadian Professional Driving School can help you learn to drive perfectly through comprehensive courses.

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